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You must not have been convicted of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude (which to those of us 'regular folk' means a crime that is against society's views of justice).

OGive praise when something is notarization naer me prepared properly and on time by the homeowner. When they don't have things ready, don't scold them, but let them know that they should have had it ready.

The most money I ever made DIRECTLY from the internet is $92,000. It only happened because I was OPEN for business in the weeee hours of the morning and I was available for anyone in the world with internet to find notarized document near me.

One after another turned up nothing. On the 20th county, working a circle around his home county, we got a hit. The subject's name was not an uncommon one and the county database did not list a middle initial. The victim's name, presumably his ex-wife or a child, was not listed. The county also did not have actual documents available online so they had to be picked up at the courthouse.

No need to mail a copy to the Secretary of State; the information will be transmitted electronically - see it's easier than it sounds and not notary publics near me either!

A notary cannot gain profits from any transaction, signing, or witness, apart from the fee allowed by the state. This is an interesting one because all notaries charge extra for travel and tend to gain a substantial profit through title companies.

There are many more excellent mobile notary public resources (I provide links to most of them on my website) available but they don't have rss feeds (or at least, I can't find them). If you frequent a notary website that has a feed and isn't on the list above, please let me know. I'd love to add them to the list. Also, if one of your favorite resources doesn't provide an rss feed, bug them until they do. Then let me know!

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